Sunday 20 April 2008

Religion – its part of all of us..

Religion forms one of the cornerstones of Humanity. For millennia, it has provided us with social cohesion through common belief. It has provided social order where violent chaos would have prevailed. Within religion was founded the concepts of logical explanation of phenomena, or ‘science’, no matter how far science & religion seem ‘divorced’ now..
It is certain that some of the earliest communication between man was the fundamental questions – Who are we, where do we come from? And it is still the ‘unknown’ that drives Humanity now – the capacity to ask the questions & seek the answers..
It is not possible to ‘suppress’ religious influence. It is part of all of us, whether we wish to accept this or not. We may choose to observe a ‘secular’ life here in the West, but our ‘system of values’ is firmly rooted in the history of Christianity, and the ‘distortions’ of it.
Religion through history has frequently been used for ‘social control’ by opportunists, and the true ‘meaning’ of most religions has become distorted over time to include violent solutions. No widely accepted religion has violence at its true roots. There is no way that religion could be seen as an ‘issue in need of attention’, in itself, if violence were completely absent..
And a religion’s present ‘status’ is determined by how we practise it. If we are ‘violently passionate’ about an issue or perception, it may provide for emotional connection with other like-minded – but the violence is at odds with the true meaning.. Violence does not work, personally or socially.
The Centre of Cultures brings people together to allow for acceptance of all that is Nonviolent within religion and culture. It similarly allows for the rejection of all that is violent, no matter what the source – individual, or a component of a doctrine..

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