II Latin American Humanist Forum
Latin America United without Wars and Without Violence
Over the course of the 23rd, 24th and 25th of November 2007, in La Paz, Bolivia, humanist individuals and organisations met with representatives of governments, parliamentarians, political parties and diverse Latin American social movements. We value the joint work and the contribution of all those in the development of this Forum.
Prior to its inauguration, we were received in the sacred land of Tiahuanaco, a place where we celebrated an ancient ceremony in honour of Pachamama and the Father Sun. Then together we celebrated the Office, a ceremony of Silo’s Message. The local authorities honoured those humanists present and the spokespeople as distinguished guests in that place.
The Forum was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Bolivia, Evo Morales Ayma and was broadcast live through the national television of the host country.
The work was divided into 18 tables that dealt with the following themes: Art and Integration; Women and Integration of the Peoples; Latin American Student Movement; Conflicts, Disarmament and World without Wars; Native Peoples; Immigrants and Latin American Integration; Strategic Energy: Human Rights, Disability and Development; Generation of Nonviolent Ambits; Health; Education; Human City, Alternative Economics; the Media; Spirituality and Religiosity; Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. The conclusions of this work will be included as an annexe.
Besides this, we held three panels about: “Nonviolent resolution of historical conflicts between nations”; “There will only be progress if it is by all and for all”; “Visions for a Latin America United, without wars and without violence”. The book The end of Prehistory, whose author is the Spokesperson for Humanism in Latin America, Tomás Hirsch, was also presented.
In parallel, a meeting of New Generations was held, together with meetings of the Centre of Cultures, the Community for Human Development and Humanist Parties of the region.
The Forum explicitly manifested its support to the people and government of Bolivia for the important processes of transformation that are being carried out, in order to achieve greater democracy and social justice in this country. Upon ending the Forum, with great joy we received the news of the approval of the new Constitution by the Constituent Assembly, which found the way to leap over all the difficulties met along the way.
Declaration of La Paz
The Bolivian process is an example for the entire continent and for the world. Universalist Humanism recognises a genuine coincidence with the principles of non-discrimination and nonviolence that drives the Bolivian Government, in the moment of carrying forward its revolutionary project. Bolivia is showing a path of liberation and humanisation for our peoples. The Latin American Humanist Forum commits to continue disseminating this courageous attempt to the whole world.
We are making our own, the proposal of President Evo Morales to include the renunciation of war as a constitutional article in all countries of the region. This gesture added to the attempt to recover the dignity of the Bolivian people through a methodology of active nonviolence, merits the Nobel Peace Prize.
Political-Social projects are emerging in Latin America that gives priority to the well being of its peoples above the dictatorship of macroeconomic demands. In this way, the recovery of natural and energy resources and the basic services of water, light and communications go exactly in this direction. The withdrawal from ICSID by the Bolivian Government is a measure that contributes to advance towards an improvement in the living conditions for its people and a decision that should be implemented in other Latin American countries.
The resolution of historical conflicts and progressive and proportional disarmament between countries of the region are fundamental themes for Latin American integration. Wars are not an initiative of the people but rather of economic interests that exploit them. The aspiration of Bolivia to have a sovereign sea route is one of the emblematic conflicts of the region and this Forum will continue collaborating decisively so that this country achieves this historical objective.
Regarding the environmental question, the Forum considers that it is necessary to construct regional legislation that puts a stop to the plundering actions of savage capitalism. Natural and energy resources are the raw material for the survival of peoples and assure their future; therefore they cannot be abandoned to the immediate ambition of profit. In the same direction, we will study the possibility to organise an international forum about global warming and the direct responsibility of speculative capital in this alarming global phenomenon.
The creation of constituent assemblies in Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela, to replace obsolete and antidemocratic Constitutions is a path to be followed by the other countries of the region. The Forum subscribes to the attempt by these countries to build a democratically agreed new institutional order, achieving through this legislative process, a social agreement of the majority and without exclusions.
Friends: this Forum has signified a great advance in dialogue, complementation and joint action between the peoples of our region. We invite all individuals, social, political and cultural organisations together with governments that would like to work to reinforce Latin American integration, under the sign of peace, sovereignty and freedom for all the inhabitants of our region, to the III Latin American Humanist Forum to be held next year in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
For all, Peace, Force and Joy
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
New Humanism in the US - new levels of influence in the English speaking world..
North American New Humanist Forum:
thinking beyond borders
Final Declaration
In New York City on the 16th, 17th and 18th of November 2007, social, political and cultural organizations from Mexico, Canada and the United States met together with representatives from Africa, Europe and Latin America to launch the North American New Humanist Forum.
We began this process a year ago without a clear understanding of whether the region existed as more than a geographic and economic entity. We wondered if it would be possible to create a regional consciousness guided by the value of the human being.
On this journey, through profound dialogue and with an intentional search, we have seen:
· that our three countries share a long, common history and the daily lives of its people are already deeply interrelated.
· that we do not want to be defined by the actions of our governments, corporations or military but rather by the needs and aspirations of the people.
· that there is a growing recognition of the need to take control of this regional integration and change its direction.
In these days we have accumulated a great body of work in many spheres of human concern, which is a starting point for a North American process that will continue from here on.
From this work we can highlight the following proposals:
1. This region being the largest producer and supplier of weapons in the world, we demand the complete dismantling of the nuclear arsenal as an urgent need for the survival of humanity. As a first step we require that our countries adhere to the treaties that they have already signed.
2. Let’s bring down the physical and psychological walls that separate us. We want open borders for people, not just for goods and money. We demand an end to the “demonization” of those who are different and to the culture of fear which is used to manipulate and distract from a resolution of the region’s true problems.
3. We recognize the dark moments in our history. in particular the genocide of the indigenous people and the slavery of Africans. We must acknowledge the crimes committed, take responsibility and make amends for the suffering caused in order to achieve true reconciliation and move towards a common future as one family.
4. We must correct the current imbalance between labor and capital, where the expansion of capital is given priority regardless of its impact on the workforce that produces it. We value decentralized models which respect labor rights and we condemn free trade agreements such as NAFTA, Plan Puebla Panama, Plan Mexico and the SPP which reinforce this imbalance between labor and capital, widening the gap between rich and poor.
5. People have the right and opportunity to participate in the decision-making processes that affect them. Therefore we demand the expansion of voting rights to all residents regardless of citizenship and the enactment of laws of political responsibility. We cannot continue to allow governments to come to power through fraud!
Today, a new region is starting to take shape in our minds and in our hearts. We aspire to a North American Human Nation as a step on the way to the Universal Human Nation. For this work we count on the richness of our diversity and the spirit of the new generations that have captured the sensibility of these new times.
The union of our peoples from Mexico, Canada and the United States is not just the opening of the borders, but the common fight against discrimination and all forms of violence. This is the meaning of our construction; the overcoming of pain and suffering on earth.
thinking beyond borders
Final Declaration
In New York City on the 16th, 17th and 18th of November 2007, social, political and cultural organizations from Mexico, Canada and the United States met together with representatives from Africa, Europe and Latin America to launch the North American New Humanist Forum.
We began this process a year ago without a clear understanding of whether the region existed as more than a geographic and economic entity. We wondered if it would be possible to create a regional consciousness guided by the value of the human being.
On this journey, through profound dialogue and with an intentional search, we have seen:
· that our three countries share a long, common history and the daily lives of its people are already deeply interrelated.
· that we do not want to be defined by the actions of our governments, corporations or military but rather by the needs and aspirations of the people.
· that there is a growing recognition of the need to take control of this regional integration and change its direction.
In these days we have accumulated a great body of work in many spheres of human concern, which is a starting point for a North American process that will continue from here on.
From this work we can highlight the following proposals:
1. This region being the largest producer and supplier of weapons in the world, we demand the complete dismantling of the nuclear arsenal as an urgent need for the survival of humanity. As a first step we require that our countries adhere to the treaties that they have already signed.
2. Let’s bring down the physical and psychological walls that separate us. We want open borders for people, not just for goods and money. We demand an end to the “demonization” of those who are different and to the culture of fear which is used to manipulate and distract from a resolution of the region’s true problems.
3. We recognize the dark moments in our history. in particular the genocide of the indigenous people and the slavery of Africans. We must acknowledge the crimes committed, take responsibility and make amends for the suffering caused in order to achieve true reconciliation and move towards a common future as one family.
4. We must correct the current imbalance between labor and capital, where the expansion of capital is given priority regardless of its impact on the workforce that produces it. We value decentralized models which respect labor rights and we condemn free trade agreements such as NAFTA, Plan Puebla Panama, Plan Mexico and the SPP which reinforce this imbalance between labor and capital, widening the gap between rich and poor.
5. People have the right and opportunity to participate in the decision-making processes that affect them. Therefore we demand the expansion of voting rights to all residents regardless of citizenship and the enactment of laws of political responsibility. We cannot continue to allow governments to come to power through fraud!
Today, a new region is starting to take shape in our minds and in our hearts. We aspire to a North American Human Nation as a step on the way to the Universal Human Nation. For this work we count on the richness of our diversity and the spirit of the new generations that have captured the sensibility of these new times.
The union of our peoples from Mexico, Canada and the United States is not just the opening of the borders, but the common fight against discrimination and all forms of violence. This is the meaning of our construction; the overcoming of pain and suffering on earth.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
The Humanist International denounces the emergency state decree imposed by Mr. Musharaf in Pakistan.
The Humanist International views with great concern the situation that is currently unfolding in Pakistan. The state of emergency imposes a clampdown on freedom of communication, expression, assembly ; the judges of the supreme court are being changed, all this of course puts fear among the people and compromises the current campaign for election in January.
You say you want democracy, but how can we trust in you, Mr. Musharaf? Since 1999, during 8 years, tell us what have you done so far to reestablish democracy in Pakistan? What have you done constructive for democracy? And tell us how long should Pakistani wait to reach it?
You say to the other democracies of the world that you need more time for transition, but why should your people wait more? Do you consider them dull? Do you believe that Pakistanis are not intellectually mature enough for democracy? Is that the proper way to consider your people, your country’s history and future ?
You say you want to win against terrorism. But you are still fighting an endless war in Waziristan with some few radical Islamist militants that your secret agencies and the USA have trained and armed.
If you want real democracy you have to respect the law and judgements of supreme court without controlling or influencing judges.
We want you to understand that you can’t hold back history and evolution - that, when you force something toward an end you produce the contrary. Do not listen to the voices so interested for their own power and business. Do not listen to the ones who are creating chaos and destabilizing all the regions of the world for their own reasons of super-control.
Education toward active non-violence is the only coherent way to achieve social change: change that is required to eliminate violence in all its forms from human society. Pakistan needs concrete acts:
- The ban of small weapons retained by civilians and paramilitary
- The guarantee of the respect of all creeds and religions
- No nuclear proliferation
- More funds to education and health programmes
We recommend that you listen to the old and wise voices of Pakistan. The voices that preach love, peace and tolerance, across the continent, from the profound in their hearts; without fears and without violence.
Work for your people, for your personal enlightenment and for the unity of your peoples. Then with these priorities the path of your actions going toward democracy will be clear and we can place trust in that good will. But today you have just deceived us all, the Pakistanis and the humanists of the world.
Sudhir Gandotra
Spokesperson of Humanist International - Asia
The Humanist International denounces the emergency state decree imposed by Mr. Musharaf in Pakistan.
The Humanist International views with great concern the situation that is currently unfolding in Pakistan. The state of emergency imposes a clampdown on freedom of communication, expression, assembly ; the judges of the supreme court are being changed, all this of course puts fear among the people and compromises the current campaign for election in January.
You say you want democracy, but how can we trust in you, Mr. Musharaf? Since 1999, during 8 years, tell us what have you done so far to reestablish democracy in Pakistan? What have you done constructive for democracy? And tell us how long should Pakistani wait to reach it?
You say to the other democracies of the world that you need more time for transition, but why should your people wait more? Do you consider them dull? Do you believe that Pakistanis are not intellectually mature enough for democracy? Is that the proper way to consider your people, your country’s history and future ?
You say you want to win against terrorism. But you are still fighting an endless war in Waziristan with some few radical Islamist militants that your secret agencies and the USA have trained and armed.
If you want real democracy you have to respect the law and judgements of supreme court without controlling or influencing judges.
We want you to understand that you can’t hold back history and evolution - that, when you force something toward an end you produce the contrary. Do not listen to the voices so interested for their own power and business. Do not listen to the ones who are creating chaos and destabilizing all the regions of the world for their own reasons of super-control.
Education toward active non-violence is the only coherent way to achieve social change: change that is required to eliminate violence in all its forms from human society. Pakistan needs concrete acts:
- The ban of small weapons retained by civilians and paramilitary
- The guarantee of the respect of all creeds and religions
- No nuclear proliferation
- More funds to education and health programmes
We recommend that you listen to the old and wise voices of Pakistan. The voices that preach love, peace and tolerance, across the continent, from the profound in their hearts; without fears and without violence.
Work for your people, for your personal enlightenment and for the unity of your peoples. Then with these priorities the path of your actions going toward democracy will be clear and we can place trust in that good will. But today you have just deceived us all, the Pakistanis and the humanists of the world.
Sudhir Gandotra
Spokesperson of Humanist International - Asia
Pakistan- a State of emergency..
In response to the declaration of a state of emergency in Pakistan, The Humanist Party has prepared the following form for all concerned people to submit to their local embassy/consulate...
The Humanist International condemns the latest outrageous situation in Pakistan
The latest announcement of the imposition of the state of emergency and suspension of the constitution in Pakistan removes the veil from the eyes of the world; where Pakistan was previously seen as a supposedly “benign” dictatorship necessary to fight a so-called “war on terror”, it can now be seen for what is always was: a dictatorship whose aim has always been to look after the interests of the President and the military.
This announcement has only one possible outcome; increasing fear in the people of Pakistan, increasing violence in the country and increasing tensions in the region as a whole; a region where Pakistan is one of two nuclear powers that are still in conflict over disputed territory.
The imposition of dehumanising living conditions on the Pakistani population must be ended immediately. To this end the Humanist International demands the following actions:
· The immediate removal of the state of emergency
· The convoking of all interested parties in the country to come together and plan a way out of the current disastrous situation
· As soon as possible, to announce a timetable leading to the holding of free, fair and multi-party elections, allowing all Pakistanis to take part and not impeding anyone from returning from exile to take part
· To revoke all draconian laws implemented in recent years and implement the rule of law that puts the value of human life in its rightful place at the heart of democracy
It is high time that the military withdraw from politics and take the role that is expected of them which is to defend the country from outside attack.
We call on all Pakistanis who hope for a better future to support democracy and insist on a non-violent transition from dictatorship to participative and real democracy. In the words of Gandhi, one of the great souls of non-violence; “there is no way to peace; peace is the way”
The Humanist International condemns the latest outrageous situation in Pakistan
The latest announcement of the imposition of the state of emergency and suspension of the constitution in Pakistan removes the veil from the eyes of the world; where Pakistan was previously seen as a supposedly “benign” dictatorship necessary to fight a so-called “war on terror”, it can now be seen for what is always was: a dictatorship whose aim has always been to look after the interests of the President and the military.
This announcement has only one possible outcome; increasing fear in the people of Pakistan, increasing violence in the country and increasing tensions in the region as a whole; a region where Pakistan is one of two nuclear powers that are still in conflict over disputed territory.
The imposition of dehumanising living conditions on the Pakistani population must be ended immediately. To this end the Humanist International demands the following actions:
· The immediate removal of the state of emergency
· The convoking of all interested parties in the country to come together and plan a way out of the current disastrous situation
· As soon as possible, to announce a timetable leading to the holding of free, fair and multi-party elections, allowing all Pakistanis to take part and not impeding anyone from returning from exile to take part
· To revoke all draconian laws implemented in recent years and implement the rule of law that puts the value of human life in its rightful place at the heart of democracy
It is high time that the military withdraw from politics and take the role that is expected of them which is to defend the country from outside attack.
We call on all Pakistanis who hope for a better future to support democracy and insist on a non-violent transition from dictatorship to participative and real democracy. In the words of Gandhi, one of the great souls of non-violence; “there is no way to peace; peace is the way”
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