Sunday, 4 November 2007

Pakistan- a State of emergency..

In response to the declaration of a state of emergency in Pakistan, The Humanist Party has prepared the following form for all concerned people to submit to their local embassy/consulate...

The Humanist International condemns the latest outrageous situation in Pakistan
The latest announcement of the imposition of the state of emergency and suspension of the constitution in Pakistan removes the veil from the eyes of the world; where Pakistan was previously seen as a supposedly “benign” dictatorship necessary to fight a so-called “war on terror”, it can now be seen for what is always was: a dictatorship whose aim has always been to look after the interests of the President and the military.
This announcement has only one possible outcome; increasing fear in the people of Pakistan, increasing violence in the country and increasing tensions in the region as a whole; a region where Pakistan is one of two nuclear powers that are still in conflict over disputed territory.
The imposition of dehumanising living conditions on the Pakistani population must be ended immediately. To this end the Humanist International demands the following actions:
· The immediate removal of the state of emergency
· The convoking of all interested parties in the country to come together and plan a way out of the current disastrous situation
· As soon as possible, to announce a timetable leading to the holding of free, fair and multi-party elections, allowing all Pakistanis to take part and not impeding anyone from returning from exile to take part
· To revoke all draconian laws implemented in recent years and implement the rule of law that puts the value of human life in its rightful place at the heart of democracy
It is high time that the military withdraw from politics and take the role that is expected of them which is to defend the country from outside attack.
We call on all Pakistanis who hope for a better future to support democracy and insist on a non-violent transition from dictatorship to participative and real democracy. In the words of Gandhi, one of the great souls of non-violence; “there is no way to peace; peace is the way”


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