Tuesday, 18 March 2008

International pressure on China, Now!

As the violence escalates in Tibet, the rest of the international community sits back and waits for a conclusion – without accepting that it is ‘they’ who must apply the necessary economic pressure etc to quell China’s violent mishandling of the ‘Tibet demonstrations’.
The usual hypocrisy is noted well in the absence of any comment from the US administration, and the UN has commented benignly as expected. The economic ties between China & the West are distorting the political response.
Not dissimilar to the recent situation in Burma, the conventional media in Tibet is suppressed. Internet access is shut down, and the media is tightly controlled domestically in China. Most information is coming through India & Nepal, both also having some immediate involvement in this. The Nepalese Government appears to be aligning itself with the wishes of China, and the Dalai Llama, in his Indian exile, must take great care as to what he says, due to conditions imposed by the Indian Governments agreement with China.
But the personal digital camera is ‘leaking’ those graphic images that take the attention of the world. Modern communications make the once previously hidden available to millions, so we are all seeing the violence.
Dialogue must be opened at all levels over the Chinese occupation, and must include the international community. China must remove its insurgent troops from the streets of Lhasa, and allow the ‘usual’ local systems to resume immediately.
The Humanist Movement & the Centre of Cultures will take measures to promote a full international boycott of the Olympic Games if China refuses to relinquish over their current ‘Tibet occupation’.
It is unacceptable on all levels for the Violence to continue..

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